The Chain is the outcome of my time spent with Luke John Campbell: Second Echo Ensemble (SEE) key member; as apart of my MIECAT MASTERS placement. I worked closely with Luke throughout 2019 utilising MIECAT’s form of Inquiry to elicit material for production 2020. The Chain is an installation based performance that will be created at Wilkinson’s point. Hobart. Tasmania.
The eternal chain and the chain of who we are. The constant on and on.
We are never really gone.
Nothing is ever lost. The chain reaction. The rise and fall. The perpetual cycle.
The internal and the eternal.
The water teaches us the wisdom to Surrender to life and death. In my mind I surrender to the Breath. Without acceptance there will be a violent storm. Go with the flow.
Go with the chain.
Breathing it is life and it gives us birth. Listen to the water. The volume. The sound flowing and falling. Listen. To the water. Flowing. Falling. Falling flowing. Surrender.
Accepting death and life and death
-Luke John Campbell-