Anna Paddick
Masters Course

My name (Anna Paddick) was given to me by people I love
My pronouns (she/her) make limited and imperfect sense of who I am
I live and work on unceded Wurundjeri Country
I feel my feet here now
I joined the academic team at MIECAT in 2019
I’ve been sharing music professionally
(some people call it teaching)
since 2005
I’ve been sharing music professionally
(some people call it performing)
since 2002
I’ve been co-inquiring professionally
(some people call it therapy)
since 2017
I’ve been dancing, singing, playing, drawing, acting, weaving, tangling, sculpting, dismantling, and co-creating meaning – always
And so, arts-based inquiry is enfolded implicitly and explicitly into my ways of meeting the world
It’s a lens I look and listen through
a way of knowing and being with
For me, work and play are both expressions of a passionate interest in bringing an unhurried, loving, and curious attitude to co-creating moments and worlds
It seems that bringing care and awareness to this ongoing co-creation affords us ways and means to express, celebrate, and nourish the particularities and universalities of our experiencing
and to disrupt the patterns that are unkind
or growing weary
That’s what I’m here for
Anna Paddick.
MA Therapeutic Arts Practice (Therapy), BA Music Performance (Jazz)
Hear me here: | See me here: @annapaddick